Laser vs Inkjet Printers

October 25, 2021

Meet the contenders

It's time for a battle that has been raging on for years - Laser vs Inkjet Printers. Both types of printers have their pros and cons, and choosing the right one can be a daunting task. Fear not, as we, the Flare Compare Team, are here to help you make an informed decision.

The speed test

If you are looking for a fast printer, then a laser printer is an obvious choice. Laser printers are designed for speed and can print multiple copies of a document faster than an inkjet printer. In fact, according to a study done in 2020, on average, a laser printer can print up to 25 pages per minute (ppm), while an inkjet printer can print only up to 10 ppm. If you need to print a lot of pages quickly, then laser printers are your best bet.

Winner: Laser printers

The cost factor

The upfront cost of a printer can be a crucial factor in deciding which one to buy. In general, inkjet printers are significantly cheaper than laser printers. However, when it comes to the cost per page, things get a little complicated. Inkjet printers are known to use more ink, and the cost of ink can add up quickly. It's estimated that the cost per page for an inkjet printer can be anywhere from five to twenty cents per page, depending on the model and brand. On the other hand, laser printers use toner, which is more expensive than ink, but lasts longer. The cost per page for a laser printer ranges from two to ten cents per page.

Winner: It depends on your usage. If you need to print a lot of pages, then laser printers are more cost-effective in the long run. However, if you don't print much, then an inkjet printer might work out cheaper for you.

Print quality and versatility

When it comes to print quality, both types of printers have their strengths and weaknesses. Inkjet printers are known for producing high-quality images and color prints with vibrant hues. They can also print on a variety of media, including glossy paper, cardstock, and even fabric. Laser printers, on the other hand, are best for printing text documents and producing sharp, clean lines. While some laser printers can print images, they are not as good as inkjet printers when it comes to reproducing accurate colors and detail.

Winner: It depends on your printing needs. If you need to print a lot of texts, then laser printers are the best option. But if you need to print high-quality images or graphics, then inkjet printers are the way to go.

Final Verdict: The Winner Is...

As you can see, both laser and inkjet printers have their strengths and weaknesses. While laser printers are faster and cheaper in the long run, inkjet printers produce higher quality images and are more versatile in terms of media options. Therefore, there is no clear winner in this battle. The decision on which printer to buy boils down to your personal preferences and printing needs.


  1. "Laser printer vs. inkjet printer: which one should you buy?" -
  2. "Inkjet vs. Laser Printers Explained" -
  3. "Laser Printer vs. Inkjet Printer: Which Is Right for You?" -

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